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울산동강병원 건강관리센터 과장
2010년 대한수혈학회 제29차 학술대회-혈액학 종합학술대회 우수포스터상
2012년 대한진단검사의학회 제 53차 학술대회 전공의 우수논문상
2012년 동아대학교병원 전공의 학술상
학 회
Comparison of capillary electrophoresis with cellulose acetate electrophoresis for the screening of hemoglobinopathies. Annals of Laboratory Medicine 2011 Oct;31(4):238-43.
Evaluation of the leukocyte differential on a new automated flow cytometry hematology analyzer. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 2012 Oct;34(5):547-50.
The Characteristics of Concurrent Blood Group Antibodies Detected by Unexpected Antibody Screening Tests. The Korean Society of Blood Transfusion 2010 Aug; 21(02) 115-121
"Duplications of the long arm of both chromosome 1, dup(1)
(q21q32), leading to tetrasomy 1q in myelodysplastic syndrome. Leukemia Research 2010 Aug;34(8):e210-2.
A rare case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(12;17)(p13;q21). Annals of Laboratory Medicine 2010 Jun;30(3):239-43.